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Coralli di Sardegna
provides different payment options to his customers.So that you feel always as comfortable and safe as possible.
Accepted Payment Method:

All the transactions are processed with complete safety and sensitive data are protected by SSL method.

This technology makes your data totally illegible for a third party during the payment.

The payment operation by card is very easy. Once that the order has been confirmed and you choose this payment method, a window will be opened in payment gateway where you only have to put your credit card information with complete safety.
If you don't know PayPal and you have never used it, we will explain you a little how it works:
First you have to open a PayPal account, which is simply as a virtual purse where you have to connect your credit and/or debit and/or pre-paid cards and/or bank accounts. Having done that connection you can use your PayPal account for buy in a easy way and you won't have to introduce your card numbers and bank data time after time. You will only have to remember the email direction and password that you used to create the PayPal account. PayPal doesn't shares accounts or cards information with the shop where are you buying. It works as a online payment gateway or a traditional bank's virtual tpv.
For more information about PayPal consult its official website
If you prefer bank transfer as a payment method, at the same time you choose it during the purchase process, the necessary data for the transfer will appear. Here we also provide you about this information to make it easily.

BANCA: Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
*With that payment method, the order can be delayed several days because of the different times in transfer's executions depending on bank and issuance country. Order will be send only when bank transfer payment has been received in our bank.

The payment operation by card is very easy. Once that the order
has been confirmed and you choose this payment method, a window
will be opened in payment gateway where you only have to put your
credit card information with complete safety.
When you have finished the purchase process we will send you an
email with your order summary.
If you don't know PayPal and you have never used it, we will explain you a little how it works:
First you have to open a PayPal account, which is simply as a virtual purse where you have to connect your credit and/or debit and/or pre-paid cards and/or bank accounts. Having done that connection you can use your PayPal account for buy in a easy way and you won't have to introduce your card numbers and bank data time after time. You will only have to remember the email direction and password that you used to create the PayPal account. PayPal doesn't shares accounts or cards information with the shop where are you buying. It works as a online payment gateway or a traditional bank's virtual tpv.
For more information about PayPal consult its official website
If you prefer bank transfer as a payment method, at the same time you choose it during the purchase process, the necessary data for the transfer will appear. Here we also provide you about this information to make it easily.

Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
IBAN: IT44P0100584890000000005425
*With that payment method, the order can be delayed several days because of the different times in transfer's executions depending on bank and issuance country. Order will be send only when bank transfer payment has been received in our bank.